My Work

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My Work

Below is a selection of works that have been published both online and in print.

Published Online


"No One Can Hate Me Better Than I Can", Poem Stellium, 2 March 2025.
"When the Words Won't Come", Poem Stellium, 1 February 2025.
"Leaving Therapy", Poem Stellium, 1 January 2025.


"The Added Strain of Christmas", Poem Stellium, 10 December 2024.
"His Actions Speak Louder Than His Words", Dark Poets Club, November 2024.
"Walking Away Doesn't Mean You're Weak", Poem Stellium, 6 November 2024.
"Accept Your Pain", Poem Stellium, 1 October 2024.
"The Pros and Cons of Trigger Warnings", Write Through the Night, 7 September 2024.
"Bovine TB and the Badger Cull", Kelp Social, 5 September 2024.
"You Are Enough", Poem Stellium, 3 September 2024.
"Children and Dogs", Kelp Social, 19 August 2024.
"I'm not Weak, I'm Human" , Poem Stellium, 8 August 2024.
"Game Bird Shooting in the UK", Kelp Social, 5 August 2024.
"Intensive Farming" , Kelp Social, 22 July 2024.
"Stop Being Such A Girl", Poem Stellium, 16 July 2024.
"Pedigree Dogs",, Kelp Social, 8 July 2024.
"Should Animal Welfare Become Part of the National Curriculum", Kelp Social, 24 June 2024.
"The Grand National" , Kelp Social, 13 June 2024.
"I See Me", Poem Stellium, 10 June 2024.
"Guinea Pigs", Kelp Social, 27 May 2024.
"Do Animals Grieve?", Kelp Social, 13 May 2024.
"What I Saw in the Mirror Wasn't the Problem", Poem Stellium, 1 May 2024.
"Fish as Pets", Kelp Social, 29 April 2024.
"Finding Replacements for Unhealthy Coping Mechanisims", Poem Stellium,, 18 April 2024.
"The Urban Fox", Kelp Social, 15 April 2024.
"Only Pigeons Need to Fit in Pigeon Holes", Poem Stellium, 3 March 2024.
"My Experiences With Mindfulness", Poem Stellium, 1 February 2024.
"5 Things To Do When You Recognise a Depressive Episode Coming On", Jenny In Neverland, 22 January 2024.
"Getting to Know the Early Signs of Depression", Poem Stellium, 5 January 2024.


"Reflection", Poem Stellium, 11 December 2023.
"'Tis the Season to Fake a Smile". Poem Stellium, 21 November 2023.
"How Are You?", Poem Stellium, 22 October 2023.
"Sometimes, the Scars Still Hurt", Poem Stellium, 19 September 2023.
"Burnout", Poem Stellium, 15 August 2023.
"Is It Ethical To Keep Pets?", Kelp Social, 25 July 2023.
"Why I Share My Experiences", Poem Stellium, 19 July 2023.
"Where Am I in All of This?", Poem Stellium, 27 June 2023.
"No Person Is An Island", Poem Stellium, 17 May 2023.
"Take a Chill Pill", Poem Stellium, 6 April 2023.
"Safe Spaces", Poem Stellium, 6 March 2023.
"My Therapy Experience", Poem Stellium, 15 February 2023.
"All You Need to do is Eat". Poem Stellium, 30 January 2023.
"Dealing With The Loss Of A Pet", Kelp Social, 30 January 2023.
"Things To Consider Before Buying An Exotic Pet", Kelp Social, 23 January 2023.
"Hamsters As Pets". Kelp Social , 16 January 2023.
"The Pandemic and Pet Ownership", Kelp Social, 2 January 2023.


"I'm Not Afraid of the Light Anymore". Poem Stellium, 31 December 2022.
"The Hall", Five Fleas, Itchy Poetry, 28 December 2022.
"Should Pets Be Presents?", Kelp Social, 19 December 2022
"Should All Dogs be Muzzled in Public?", Kelp Social, 12 December 2022
"Legalisation and Dog Ownership", Kelp Social, 5 December 2022
"Declawing Cats", Kelp Social, 28 November 2022
"Our Wildlife Garden", Kelp Social, 21 November 2022
"Derailed", Poem Stellium, 10 October 2022.
"Indoor Cats", Kelp Social, 10 October 2022
"The Cost Of Living And Pet Ownership", Kelp Social. 3rd October 2022
"Lessons I Have Learnt Through My Depression", Poem Stellium, 28th August 2022.
"My All", t'ART Online: Summer Showcase, August 2022.
"Writing Can Be A Safe Space", Poem Stellium, 28th August 2022.
"Writing Prompts", Poem Stellium, July 2022.
"Mental Health Issues Don't Care", Poem Stellium, 18th May 2022.
"It's Your Story", Poem Stellium, 29th March 2022.
"A Permanent Solution to A Temporary Problem", Poem Stellium, 22nd February 2022.
"It's All in Your Head", Poem Stellium, 17th January 2022.


"Christmas Picks at the Wounds of Grief", The Loss Project, 27th December 2021.
"Writing Your Heart Out", Poem Stellium, 26th December 2021.
"Volunteer Story", Voluntary Norfolk Newsletter, December 2021. It is about half way down the page.
"Taste", Poem Stellium, 18th July 2021.
The Recovery Letters, The Recovery Letters website, June 2021. It is part way down the page.

Published in Print

The Antenna Notebook, Radio Society of Great Britain, Radio Society of Great Britain, 2024.
"Life Can be Sustained from Death" and "Are You Writing" 'Scribbles', Issue 13, Uncanny, Mixam, October 2023.
Computers in Amateur Radio, third edition, Radio Society of Great Britain, 2022.
"From Lorna", The Recovery Letters Addressed to People Experiencing Depression, James Whitby and Olivia Sagion, 21st July 2017.
"Wounds of Love", Poetry Rivals' Collection 2012 Strokes of Inspiration, Forward Press, 31st October 2012.
"If You Asked Me To", Poetry Rivals' Collection 2011 Suspended in Ink, Forward Press, 31st October 2011.
"Who", Forward Poetry Regionals 2011 A World of Verse, 30th November 2011.
"Darkness", Poetry Rivals' Collection 2010 A new Dawn Breaks, 30th October 2010.
"Because I love You", Poetry Rivals' Collection 2009 Lines of Light and Shade, Forward Press, 31st October 2009.
"Time", Forward Press Poets 2008 South and East England, Forward Press, 30th November 2008.