Recent Work

You can contact me via the details below:
Phone: 07434543751

My Proofreading Service
My Editing Service
My Copywriting Service
My Content Writing and Ghostwriting Services
Published Works

In June 2024, I proofread a science paper for a university.

In February 2024, I proofread How to Build a World-Class Business One Brick at a Time by Sandy Domingos-Shipley. This was completed at the beginning of March 2024.

In September 2023, my ghostwriting services were engaged to help a client tell their personal and painful story. This was completed in October 2023.

In June 2023, I started working on two non-fiction books, one was one man's experiences as a criminal in prison, which I proofread. This was completed in early July 2023.
The other is a memoir of life in the army, which I'm editing. This project is ongoing.

In 2022, I edited an updated version of 60 Antennas You Will Want to Build edited originally by Giles Read, G1MFG. It was published as The Antenna Notebook in March 2024.

Since July 2022, Kelp Social, a social platform for animal lovers, have entrusted me to project its message.
I do this through the carefully crafted, well-researched, educational and entertaining blog posts I create for them.


Previous Work

In October 2022, I proofread Susie Palmer-Trew's bookThe Everyday Change Playbook.
In May 2023, she hired me to proofread the updated version of this book.
It's a great feeling when a client returns.

From July 2021 to April 2022, I edited and wrote some of the chapters for and updated version of Computers in Amateur Radio for the Radio Society of Great Britain. This was published at the end of 2022.

In July 2022, I had the pleasure of being hired to write articles for a health and wellbeing magazine on an ad hoc basis. I have written 2 so far.

In June 2022, I starting editing and proofreading Stokesby With Herringby The Story of a Broadland Village by David Trowbridge.
This was completed in November 2022
. I was very pleased to receive a signed copy when it was published in early 2023.

In June 2022, I also wrote website copy for a building firm.
This entailed writing about what they do and some of their completed projects.
This was completed in July 2022.

In January and February 2022, I proofread two novels for the author Martyn Adams.

In December 2021, I became a regular guest blogger on Poem Stellium.
In July 2022, I became one of their permanent bloggers.